We welcome you to join us for an enriching experience

Synteraction Lab is offering an opportunity for research talents to contribute to our exciting and meaningful vision of Heads-Up Computing. Learn and apply new research skills together with diverse members of the lab, through the following programs:

Part-Time Research Attachment Program (Hong Kong/Remote)


  • Willing to commit for at least 2 months (in Singapore) or 4 months (remotely)
  • Currently an undergraduate or Master student
  • Good technical and research analysis skills

Note that full-time positions may receive salaries depending on the arrangement.

Full-Time Paid Internship


  • Must be in Hong Kong, and not remote
  • Willing to commit full-time for at least 4 months
  • Currently undergraduate or has recently graduated with a bachelor

Note that full-time positions may receive salaries depending on the arrangement.

Both programs share the following information


  • Independently manage time to clear tasks
  • Meet at least once a week for project updates/discussions
  • Assist the development and design of currently active research projects through at least one of the following
    • Create videos
    • Review literature
    • Design illustrations and system interfaces
    • Code with Java (for Android) or C# (for Unity)
    • Conduct experiments and analyse results


  • Increase understanding of HCI research processes
  • Increase understanding of Synteraction Lab: its culture and values
  • Direct collaboration and networking opportunities with PhD students or PostDoc

Potential Rewards

  • Pursue Master or PhD with Synteraction Lab (if good performance)
  • Letter of recommendation by Prof. Shen (if good performance and duration is at least 6 months)
  • Paper/Journal authorship (if the contribution is significant and project is successfully published)


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the average hours of commitment for the part-time attachment?
    • The hours of commitment depends on the project and situation.
    • To make meaningful contributions, at least 10 hours per week will be useful.
  • Which Master/PhD program is available?
    • Please refer to the official programs offered by CityU of Hong Kong.
  • Is there any deadline to the research programs?
    • No deadline, as we are reviewing applications on a rolling basis.
  • I am currently on Leave of Absence (LOA) this semester. Which program should I apply to?
    • The Part-time Research Attachment Program is suitable for students on LOA.

Testimonies From Previous Interns

Within the depths of everyone's memories, cherished moments of nostalgia reside. For me, the half-year internship at NUS-HCI emerges frequently in my thoughts, akin to a vivid recollection. As I ponder why this memory holds such significance, it seems that my yearning for it surpasses it being merely my first foray into overseas research or my introduction to the realm of HCI. It is the human-human interactions here forged in this place that have enveloped me with warmth and bestowed upon me the confidence to venture further into the realm of HCI. I once wondered how we could actually stand up during a Zoom meeting when I came across "stand-up meetings" on the schedule. I once felt anxious about participating in writing workshops and providing feedback on others' writing due to my limitations in the English language. I once questioned whether I had inadvertently created a random coin-flipping algorithm, as the classification accuracy with two categories of my algorithms consistently remained at 50%. Admittedly, I may have exaggerated the extent of my self-doubt I have at the first month of internship with the phrase "I once." However, through continuous introspection, a glimmer of personal transformation becomes discernible. This metamorphosis has gradually unfolded throughout my internship. I can vividly recall the moments when Sweet-tempered Prof. Shen, during our stand-up meetings, imparted not only research methodologies but also lighthearted remarks that eased my nervousness when words failed me. I remember him once asking, "Is that little boy behind you your brother?" In the realm of writing workshops, I timidly penned a comment, and to my surprise, many group members responded beneath it, offering words of agreement or elegantly rephrasing my thoughts in a more professional manner, unwittingly fostering my confidence. And I shall never forget the unwavering support of Shan, who patiently stood by my side during the moments when I struggled to summon algorithms, demonstrating trust in my abilities. Each and every one of these small imprints has played a pivotal role in shaping my path forward in the HCI journey. I hope that you, who are about to come for an internship, can enjoy the warmth and grow slowly in this lab like me.

Yan Zihan Current masters at MIT

During my exhilarating experience at the NUS-HCI lab, I had the incredible opportunity to work on two groundbreaking research projects that significantly expanded my knowledge and skills in the field. My first collaboration with Katherine on the Ubiideas project immersed me in the fascinating world of AR development and taught me the intricacies of conducting HCI research. My second project, which I spearheaded, focused on developing an innovative tool for idea communication using the HoloLens. Throughout my entire research internship, I actively participated in numerous user studies that were not only captivating but also eye-opening. These experiences greatly broadened my horizons and deepened my understanding of my future research path. Hosting seminars for esteemed visitors from the ISMAR conference further enriched my learning, as I engaged in stimulating discussions with fellow researchers. Under the expert guidance of Prof. Zhao, I formed a vision of catalyzing creativity in design through computing, which I am resolutely determined to pursue. Lastly, our unforgettable retreat in Penang not only forged unbreakable bonds within our team but also served as an inspiring reminder of the thrilling journey that lies ahead.

Kang Yixiao (intern for one semester from Shanghai Jiaotong University), received offers from many universities and finally decided to go to UC Berkeley for her masters

My time at the NUS-HCI lab has been a wonderful opportunity to grow as a researcher and learn from the best in the field. I have worked on various projects that challenged me to apply my skills and knowledge in novel ways. I have also collaborated with other researchers who inspired me with their passion and creativity. I am grateful for the mentorship and guidance I received from the lab members and the faculty. The NUS-HCI lab has been a valuable and rewarding experience that I will always cherish.

Han Xiao Master at Eindhoven University of Technology

I spent a very enjoyable six months in 2019 at the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory at the National University of Singapore. It was my first formal exposure to HCI research, and I learned a lot about literature review, experimental design, and qualitative and quantitative analysis through this experience. It was during this time that I first learned about Ubiquitous Computing and developed a strong interest in the vision of natural interaction, which planted a seed for my future explorations. I am grateful to Shen for being a patient and supportive supervisor, providing us with valuable guidance for our project. I also want to express my gratitude to my collaborator Nuwan; we formed a deep friendship, and I learned from him a rigorous and dedicated research style. I would also like to thank Deb, Shan, and Sonne for making my summer research experience in Singapore truly colorful. This internship was not just an academic growth experience; I feel that I also had the opportunity to explore and grow in terms of my perspectives, values, and worldview, which is even more important than the academic aspect itself. I still miss the times we spent together eating in the dining hall, going for night runs, conducting experiments, rushing to meet paper deadlines, and discussing life, passion, and different cultures.

Coco Wu Current master at Georgia Tech

Within the depths of everyone's memories, cherished moments of nostalgia reside. For me, the half-year internship at NUS-HCI emerges frequently in my thoughts, akin to a vivid recollection. As I ponder why this memory holds such significance, it seems that my yearning for it surpasses it being merely my first foray into overseas research or my introduction to the realm of HCI. It is the human-human interactions here forged in this place that have enveloped me with warmth and bestowed upon me the confidence to venture further into the realm of HCI. I once wondered how we could actually stand up during a Zoom meeting when I came across "stand-up meetings" on the schedule. I once felt anxious about participating in writing workshops and providing feedback on others' writing due to my limitations in the English language. I once questioned whether I had inadvertently created a random coin-flipping algorithm, as the classification accuracy with two categories of my algorithms consistently remained at 50%. Admittedly, I may have exaggerated the extent of my self-doubt I have at the first month of internship with the phrase "I once." However, through continuous introspection, a glimmer of personal transformation becomes discernible. This metamorphosis has gradually unfolded throughout my internship. I can vividly recall the moments when Sweet-tempered Prof. Shen, during our stand-up meetings, imparted not only research methodologies but also lighthearted remarks that eased my nervousness when words failed me. I remember him once asking, "Is that little boy behind you your brother?" In the realm of writing workshops, I timidly penned a comment, and to my surprise, many group members responded beneath it, offering words of agreement or elegantly rephrasing my thoughts in a more professional manner, unwittingly fostering my confidence. And I shall never forget the unwavering support of Shan, who patiently stood by my side during the moments when I struggled to summon algorithms, demonstrating trust in my abilities. Each and every one of these small imprints has played a pivotal role in shaping my path forward in the HCI journey. I hope that you, who are about to come for an internship, can enjoy the warmth and grow slowly in this lab like me.

Yan Zihan Current masters at MIT

During my exhilarating experience at the NUS-HCI lab, I had the incredible opportunity to work on two groundbreaking research projects that significantly expanded my knowledge and skills in the field. My first collaboration with Katherine on the Ubiideas project immersed me in the fascinating world of AR development and taught me the intricacies of conducting HCI research. My second project, which I spearheaded, focused on developing an innovative tool for idea communication using the HoloLens. Throughout my entire research internship, I actively participated in numerous user studies that were not only captivating but also eye-opening. These experiences greatly broadened my horizons and deepened my understanding of my future research path. Hosting seminars for esteemed visitors from the ISMAR conference further enriched my learning, as I engaged in stimulating discussions with fellow researchers. Under the expert guidance of Prof. Zhao, I formed a vision of catalyzing creativity in design through computing, which I am resolutely determined to pursue. Lastly, our unforgettable retreat in Penang not only forged unbreakable bonds within our team but also served as an inspiring reminder of the thrilling journey that lies ahead.

Kang Yixiao (intern for one semester from Shanghai Jiaotong University), received offers from many universities and finally decided to go to UC Berkeley for her masters
Synteraction Lab